Jan Baeyens | KU Leuven, Belgium/Beijing University of Chemical Technology, China  


Jan Baeyens studied Nuclear Engineering (Brussels) and Chemical Engineering (Leuven). He obtained his Ph.D. at the University of Bradford-U.K. After 13 years of employment in engineering divisions of various Belgian companies, he became a part-time professor at the University of Leuven (B) and worked as a process and project consultant in Europe and overseas. In 2003. He started the Faculty of Bio-engineering at the University of Antwerp. In 2005, he moved to the University of Birmingham (U.K.) and the University of Warwick (U.K.), where he lectured on process design, sustainable development, renewable energy and powder technology, while also co-ordinating research in these fields. He has contributed to over 200 publications in international journals, is author/editor of 12 books, and is a regular speaker at international congresses. His h-factor is 55, and citations exceed 15000. Since 2010, he is Visiting Professor at the Beijing University of Chemical Technology, where he is actively involved in Life Science and Technology research. Since 1989, he is managing director of European Powder and Process Technology (EPPT). Within EPPT, he continues to co-ordinate design and consultancies for Belgian and overseas companies, mostly in the field of powder technology and renewable energy. EPPT is a partner in European research projects (FP7, and H2020).


Speech title / From Anaerobic Digestion Biogas (CH4, CO2) and digestate to Syngas (CO, H2) and Methanol (CH3OH)

Abstract: The ongoing transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources is well known, but further developments are still needed to become climate-neutral. Whereas hydrogen (H2) is considered a candidate energy carrier, it is currently produced as grey H2, mainly derived from fossil fuels. Therefore, in this research the production and application of green H2 is further investigated and discussed. Starting from an anaerobic digester (AD), which treats sewage sludge from a Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP), biogas and ammonia-rich (NH3) digestate are produced. Three specific H2-producing processes were experimentally investigated being (1) Dry Reforming of Methane from biogas (DRM); (2) Catalytic Decomposition of Methane from biogas after CO2 capture (CDM); and (3) Catalytic Decomposition of Ammonia from digestate (CDA).
DRM is the reforming of biogas (CO2 and CH4) into a syngas mixture. It showed the best H2 yield (89.5%) using 15wt%Fe/CNT (Carbon Nano Tubes) as catalyst at 700 °C. Experiments with different biogas compositions confirmed that the 50-50vol% CH4/CO2 composition induced the most stable operation. CDM is the decomposition of CH4 into H2 and carbon, and was tested using the same catalyst being 15Fe/CNT. A CH4 conversion and H2 yield of 95% and 84% respectively are obtained together with a recovered and marketable CNT production of 0.54 kg per m3 CH4 decomposition. Finally preceding the CDA process, the ammonia-rich digestate is firstly stripped and the recovered NH3 is further catalytically decomposed into H2 and N2. Three catalysts, wet impregnated 20Fe/-Al2O3, dry milled 20Fe/-Al2O3 and wet impregnated Ni/-Al2O3 are investigated. Wet impregnated 20Fe/γ-Al2O3 reached complete NH3 conversion at 650 °C and is therefore the catalyst of choice. The cheaper dry-milled catalyst only reached a 94% NH3 conversion.
Considering the well known difficulties of storing H2, a valorization case study of a WWTP with an AD process for 300,000 person equivalent, PE, is performed. The clean hydrogen ladder, designed by Michael Liebreich, confirms methanol as a good H2 vector choice. The e-methanol production from the obtained syngas (H2/CO) and H2 product streams, is simulated using Aspen Plus®. From this plant, the daily feed will be 4,485 m3 CH4, 2,415 m3 CO2 and 320 kg NH3. Considering the obtained experimental conversions and yields, a distribution of 54% of the biogas mixture to the DRM process, the other 46% to the CDM process (after CO2 capture) and 320 kg NH3 to the CDA process is determined to achieve the required H2/CO ratio of 2/1. Even an excess of 1,084 m3/day of H2 is produced. Simulation results showed a methanol production of 183.25 kg/hr. The additional H2 flow (631 m3/day) from the CDA process is considered less important and can be valorized with the excess biogas in the Combined Heat and Power (CHP) unit normally associated with AD. The latter option may be reconsidered if manure would be processed in the AD process due to a threefold concentration increase of ammonia compounds. Further pilot-scale research is however required to bring the TRL (Technology Readiness Level) results obtained in this research from 1 to 3 or more. Such a process is currently under investigation at BAICSME. Results will be compared with the Aspen prediction. This upscaling will also allow a representative economy of the processes to be determined.




Po-Heng (Henry) Lee | Imperial College London, UK 


Po-Heng (Henry) Lee's team specializes in resource recovery, greenhouse gas reduction, and enhancing human health through anaerobic biotechnologies. His research and teaching aim to transcend classical energetic constraints by exploring discrete pathways, including quantum and quantum-like mechanisms, within microbial metabolism and gene regulation. Henry has pioneered state-of-the-art research techniques, utilizing quantum computing (such as Quantum Information Theory and Variational Quantum Eigensolver) and hybrid meta-omics approaches to manipulate microbiomes for environmental health enhancement. Henry's academic journey includes earning his PhD, MS, BS, and AAS degrees in Environmental Engineering from Iowa State University (2010), National Chiao Tung University (2003), National Ilan University (2001), and Hungkuang University (1999), Taiwan, respectively. He joined Imperial College London in 2019 after holding positions at Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2012-2018) and Inha University, South Korea (2010-2012).


Speech title / Quantum Computing Solutions for Transforming Efficient Waste-to-Energy Bio-Methanation

Abstract: The pressing global challenges in energy, climate change, and environmental sustainability, there arises a critical need for a new era in waste-to-energy biorefinery transformation, particularly in the conversion of waste into methane, an energy source. However, the inherent limitation of energy (electrons) availability within bio-methanation processes poses significant hurdles to achieving optimal kinetic and thermodynamic efficiency and optimal microbial gene regulation. To surmount these challenges, it becomes imperative to harness the wave-particle duality of electrons and gain a deeper understanding of the complex gene regulation mechanisms governing microbial metabolism. In this talk address, the transformative potential of quantum computing applications within waste-to-energy bio-methanation systems is introduced. Quantum computing, with its unique capabilities including superposition and entanglement, offers a paradigm shift from classical computing methodologies. Through two compelling case studies within bio-methanation systems: the first focuses on understanding gene regulation in micro-aeration anaerobic digestion using quantum information techniques, while the second investigates interspecies electron transfer (DIET) in methanogenesis systems, revealing quantum tunnelling and hopping potential in efficient methane generation. Our endeavours in leveraging quantum computing aim not only to revolutionise current practices but also to contribute significantly to mitigating climate change. We will engage in a thought-provoking discussion on future research directions and implementation strategies, addressing 21st-century challenges from both scientific and engineering perspectives. Join us as we embark on a journey towards a sustainable and resilient future.